When you move into a new place, you MUST have a party, even if the only folks coming are your pet and the oddly charming man child from across the hall or street. It would be completely unacceptable not to open your home and a bottle of wine. Now, with the friends that I have (you know who you are, lol) I had to make sure I had something to “nosh” on or everyone would be on the floor (on perfectly elegant palettes of course) or calling Uber for a minivan. I knew exactly what I wanted to do; have something casual where people could come and go and I could prepare everything ahead so I could enjoy spending time with them. WINE and CHEESE party!!!!

When I decided to move from one Honeycomb Hideout (ode to my girl; Keesha) to another, I had one goal in mind, move closer to the city! I lived in NYC for 14 years and since being in Atlanta for 2 years, I have determined that I love being near the city. Although I grew up in the suburbs, they city is now in my blood. One of the benefits I have found living closer to the city is that I can go to specialty shops for all of my needs. I am very particular about the food that I prepare and serve to my loved ones.  If they are going to be eating it, I want it to be the best that I can offer.  So, with the birds chirping on a ridiculously hot Saturday morning, I started my journey, schedule and lists in hand.  Now, when I get into these stores, the list typically goes out of the window and I do end up with things that I did not come for. When the butcher tells you that they make the best bacon jam in the area, what is a girl to do?? My Mother taught me manners, so I politely accept the challenge to be the “judge of that”! If I could put that bacon jam in an IV and have it at my desk without having a stroke because of the sodium, I would. Moderation my loves, Moderation! Anywho, I began at the hole in the wall bakery where the bread was still warm from the bakers taking it out of the ovens. I then ventured to the Cheese Monger and the Butcher. Here is the biggest tip I will give you all, GO EARLY! When you go to a store when they open, you are able to speak to whoever is helping you, it’s called forging a relationship! From now on whenever I go back to these stores, I will speak to the same people. When you go early, they also have to time to cut you samples of whatever you are interested in purchasing. There is nothing worse than getting home, setting up your spread and wanting to throw out what you just spent good money on, because you hate the taste. If the store does not want to let you taste (exception made for a wine store, unless they are hosting a tasting at the time), walk away!!!! I bought the cheese and the meats first and felt comfortable with that because I trust the wine store that I would venture to later. It was also so hot and there was no way I was going to be shopping while carrying 6 bottles of wine. The next stop was my to visit my Preserve Specialist, yes, I have one! My Mom has been hosting events throughout my entire life, from family parties, to cocktail parties and dinner parties to book club. I have paid attention enough to pick up a few pointers. One of the things that she makes, that is so easy and looks fantastic, is what I will call Stefanie’s shrimp dip. My cousin Stef requests this as often as she can. Take a block of cream cheese, top it with shrimp and doctored up cocktail sauce and serve it with buttery crackers. People will stand by the dish until it is gone! Try it with a chutney or sweet onion preserve, it is heavenly. The last stop was to my local wine store. Again, get there early, the owner or whoever is working in the shop will be able to assist you with pairing what you are serving with the right wine. This also helps you from a time perspective as you do not have to do the searching or guessing. Find a wine store where you like the people and you trust what they are recommending. I actually have three different stores that I frequent, as there are different perspectives and always something to learn when it comes to wine.

All of this is to say, get in touch with your local purveyors. Start building relationships, stimulate and support your local economy and community. You will find that the folks that own and work in these stores take pride in what they are selling and in you as their customer. BUY LOCAL!


Here are links to everyone that contributed to my amazing party and to the hour that I had to spend on the treadmill two days later (you know it was good, when you can’t bring yourself to step foot in the gym, the morning after, LOL)



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