Oh Nuts! You get home needing some elixir from the vines and you don’t have anything chilled! What is a gal or guy to do?? First off, never leave the house without something in the fridge (I know you will remember to take a red out 30 minutes and a white 15 minutes, before you serve it up, so that it is served at the correct temperature), purchase a wine fridge, or just drink the stuff like it is a cup of tea (NO JUDGEMENT ZONE). If those options don’t work, here are a couple of gadgets that I tried on a HOT and STEAMY summer day, while moving.

Before we get started, here is the rating system:

Products will be rated in Sugar Smacks. What is a Sugar Smack, besides the fun cereal with the Dig’em Frog as the mascot? It is a measure to rate gadgets and tips that I have devised mostly because my name means Sugar in Swahili, nice! We will use a scale of 1-5, 5 being “Fandamntastic”

So here we go:

corkcicle air

Corkcicle Air ($24.95 at corkcicle.com and williams-sonoma.com)

This is the perfect gadget if you are looking to drink more than one glass of the warm stuff. The Corkcicle will chill an entire bottle of room temperature red wine in about 15-20 minutes and can keep a chilled bottle of white wine chilled for an hour, without refrigeration.


Put the Corkcicle in the freezer for at least 90 minutes before using.

Open up your bottle of wine and pour a little out for the homies (if you don’t, when you put the Corkcicle in, your bottle will runneth over)

Watch the clock for 15 minutes, like you are waiting for your checking account balance to update at midnight on pay-day.

Grab a glass and pour

As you can see from the picture, the model that I tested has an aerator attached to the cork. I HIGHLY recommend this as you have already waited for the wine to chill, to have to wait another moment for the wine to open up and take a breath would just be torture.

I give this product 5 Sugar Smacks for its ease of use and chill-ability!



Quirky Icecap Wine Chiller and Aerator ($39.95 at williams-sonoma.com)

This is the perfect gadget when you do not want to wait to chill the entire bottle of wine, but are “feenin” like Jodeci for that first sip.


Put it in the freezer for at least 8 hours.

Once sufficiently frozen, place the Quirky on top of your wine glass

Don’t be scared, it won’t break the rim of your glass. It has a curved bottom so your glass hugs it ever so gently. It also fits multiple glass sizes.

Pour the wine through the Quirky. As it travels through the gadget it will chill and aerate the wine. Yes!!!


That’s it. That is all there is to it.

I give this product 5 Sugar Smacks, for ease of use and timing. I can have a perfectly chilled glass of wine in a matter of 45 seconds. What’s better than that????

These products also work well together. You can use the Quirky to chill and aerate your first glass and use the Corkcicle to chill the rest of the bottle and get it ready for the second glass. It is a perfect relationship! Keep both gadgets in the freezer all the time and you will not have to wait any longer than necessary to enjoy your favorite glass of wine.


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