Rosè, Rosè, Rosè – How do I love Thee, let me count ALL the ways….

Picture it, Atlanta 2015 (for all of my Golden Girls out there!), the air is comfortably warm, the sun is shining and the pollen is tolerable.  Got the image??  For some strange reason, I awoke on that day with ROSE on my mind. It was like all of a sudden, my internal wine clock changed [...]

Palate Fatigue!

So, I attended a wine tasting this evening and “it” happened.  “IT” is what I call Palate Fatigue.  Yes, it is a real thing, at least in my mind!! I walked up to register and was handed a list of the wines I would be tasting. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! There are 16, you read [...]

Music to my ears

Music and sound have a direct correlation to emotions and memory. The right music can be the soundtrack to your life, the way to mend a broken heart or the energy you need for a job interview. Whether it be my grandparents going to see Nat King Cole on the first date, the basement parties [...]

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