Picture it, Atlanta 2015 (for all of my Golden Girls out there!), the air is comfortably warm, the sun is shining and the pollen is tolerable.  Got the image??  For some strange reason, I awoke on that day with ROSE on my mind. It was like all of a sudden, my internal wine clock changed (yes, I have one of those, lol).  I Love Rosè!!!! The first sip that I take is like the first time you tasted a strawberry, that was still warm from the sun or warm from sitting in the hot car, because running that last errand, after going to the grocery store, took much longer than you expected.  Either way, you get the gist.  Up until now my favorite Rosès have come from Provence in France, but this year I decided, I was going to broaden my horizons and try something different. My first Rosè tasting of the season did not disappoint.  The tasting consisted of 6 wines, from Spain, France, Italy and the US (CA).  The first wine I tasted blew me away!! It was everything I think of when I think of Rosè.  The strawberry smell and taste with a slightly dry finish.  It had some body some junk in the trunk and it lingered with me for a nice looooong moment.  It was delicious!  As with any wine tasting the person conducting the tasting will give you some background on the wine and the producers.  Usually, I lose them after the first 45 seconds, as I am like a kid waiting to take the first lick of a Push Up Pop, you know doing the dance and everything.  But the information that this guy was spitting caught me.  100%, that’s right 100%, of the proceeds from the sale of this wine goes to charity.  SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!  100% of the proceeds are split between the TJ Martell Foundation in its research to find a cure for Cancer and the South Bronx Educational Foundation.  In ALL of my years of drinking the sweet nectar of the grape, I have never seen this.  This wine is called LIQUID GEOGRAPHY.  The name is fantastic and the taste backs it up all the way.  Trust me when I tell you, it is worth the $12-$15 you will pay for it.  So, turn on that song that reminds you of that first warm day of spring, you know that day when you went outside to play, without your Mom telling you to and the guy down the street put the speaker up to the window so everyone could hear the music.  Play that song! Pour a glass of Liquid Geography, close your eyes and take a sip.



http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2013/05/the-25-best-ice-cream-truck-treats-of-all-time/candy-center-crunch-bar – #16

http://mgracias.com/wine.php?n=Liquid-Geography-Rosado (please note, they do not mention the South Bronx Educational Foundation on this site, but the information is on the 2014 release label above).

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