Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast……..

Yes! It is the most important meal of the day and why not enjoy it to the fullest! During the week, my breakfast consists of what I call "Sludge".  It's a smoothie made with spinach, blueberries, half a banana or avocado, flax seed meal and water.  So, on the weekends, I like to have BREAKFAST, [...]

Book Review – Simply Nigella

    Reading through a cookbook is very calming to me.  I brew myself a cup of tea or pour a glass of wine (depending on the time of day) and I read the cookbook like a book.  I review the chapter headings, read all of the notes, read the recipes and research any ingredient that [...]

Cooking with “Simply Nigella” Part 2

Banana Bread with Cardamom and Cacao Nibs Okay, so here is the third recipe that I have tried from the "Simply Nigella" cookbook, and I have to tell you, IT IS FANTASTIC!!!!!!  When I make something that makes my Brother close his eyes and lean his head back, it is a WINNER!!! This recipe was [...]

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