Yes! It is the most important meal of the day and why not enjoy it to the fullest!

During the week, my breakfast consists of what I call “Sludge”.  It’s a smoothie made with spinach, blueberries, half a banana or avocado, flax seed meal and water.  So, on the weekends, I like to have BREAKFAST, for real!

Here are some of our favorite breakfast spots in Atlanta: – Check out the Hey Lucy omelet (Chorizo, avocado, chilies, onions, cheese and sour cream)with a side of grits and a cinnamon roll – DELICIOUS! – The best patty melts!!  Check it out with a side of grits, of course,  Yep, its a great breakfast! – Healthier option for breakfast – Whole wheat flour used for biscuits – THE BEST BUSCUITS!!! Crazy, I know!

Wherever you go for the most important meal of the day, don’t forget to take someone you love!  Sometimes for me, that’s going by myself, LOL!






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