Have you ever had one of those Mondays where as soon as the alarm goes off, you pull the covers back over your head?  You are just not ready to face what lurks beyond the warmth of your bed.  As much as I want to say that I woke up to an ocean breeze and a passion fruit mimosa, served to me by a hunk a hunk of burnin love, I could not tell a lie! I did however wake up with a plan (which I do for every scenario).  The plan was to recite the serenity prayer through the work day, come back to my humble abode (my new loft apartment, Yeah!!), make a great dinner and open up a bottle of something.  As the day went on, I contemplated many recipes and thought about what was already in the house, so I would not have to shop with all of the “back in towners” at my local Publix. Chicken, mushrooms, butter, fresh herbs and you guessed it, CHAMPAGNE, nothing could be better.  Dinner would be Chicken with Champagne and Mushrooms.  Now, one of the things that I do in my kitchen is whatever wine I am cooking with is the wine that I will drink. That meant Monday Bubbles! I mean if there is ever a day to celebrate, it is Monday.  My Loves, do not wait for a special occasion to open up a bottle of bubbles. Celebrate the fact that your feet hit the floor this morning, you did not go postal at work, you put the same color socks on today, any success, small or large is worth opening up a bottle of bubbles and celebrating.  My go to bottle is Collon.  I experienced the euphoria of drinking Collon at a bubbles wine tasting about a year and a half ago.  It literally dances on your tongue. It is not doing the NaeNae or the Stanky Leg, its doin that slow drag with the guy or girl that makes you weak in the knees.  The bubbles are refined and they just float in your mouth.  OOH Good Grief, let me not get side tracked. Okay, so this is a Grower Champagne.  This means that the producers actually grow their own grapes.  It’s hard to believe I know, but that Dom you drink when the moon and the stars align is produced from grapes that are purchased from other vineyards.  The positive that comes from this is there is a consistency that you get from the Dom’s of the world and if that is what you are looking for, then that is the bottle for you. I like a little variety in my wine life, so I do not mind if the wine tastes a little different year to year and has a much more palatable price point.  The producers of this Champagne know what they are doing. It is refined with that buttery, fresh baked bread taste, without being heavy.  It’s dry but not so dry that you feel parched when you finish the glass.  Trust me, taste it!!  Celebrate life’s moments, big and small.



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