Farmers Market1 Farmers Market2 Farmers Market3 Farmers Market4

Finding myself with a free weekend does not happen often!  When it does I cherish every moment.  On this particular weekend I decided to focus on the things that I love to do, in the city where I live.  Waking up early on a cool Saturday morning, with the sun shining is a prime Farmer’s Market situation.  Now, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE going to my local farmer’s market!!!! It reminds me of my time in New York and my visit to Paris.  There is nothing better than talking amongst the farmers while picking up something for dinner, lunch, brunch or a snack.  Everything is fresh, full of color and flavor.  Menu planning happens while you walk through the market and a smell wafts your way or a color catches your eye.  It truly comes from inspiration.  That particular Saturday, I spotted some colorful peppers and potatoes, wild caught jumbo shrimp and grass-fed chuck roast.  The vendors were so friendly and full of information (it helped that I went a little later, as the market was not as crowded).  It was such a pleasant way to spend the morning.

Once I finished at the Farmer’s Market, I decided to run a fun shopping errand at the Westside Provisions District.  While there, I visited some of my favorite local purveyors, Savi Provisions and Preserving Place, for cheese and preserves.  The Taleggio and the Hot Peach and Ginger Jam paid so well together and washing it down with the Cistum (Garnache) made it all the more delectable.

Looking back on that weekend and realizing how freeing it feels to truly do what you want when you want is definitely something to be grateful for.  As I went through the day, running drugstore and dry cleaning errands fell by the wayside.  I just did not care about them.  I was happy tooling around town and only taking part in an activity that moved me.  As someone who plans everything from the time I step out of bed until the time I return, I was out of my comfort zone, but I was HAPPY.  It was an amazing feeling.  So much so, that I have decided to make time during the weekend to do at least one thing that really makes me happy.  At the end of the day, self-care is essential.  So with all of the errands and obligations that we have over the weekend, remember to take a moment and do something that makes you happy.  Life is too short not to!



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