I have watched Julie & Julia, The One Hundred Foot Journey, Chef and Big Night so many times, I know the lines and what they cooked. Not only do I love to eat, but I love to cook. I also love old movies and the fact that they dressed for dinner. There is something very special about the formality of it all. Proper dinner parties seem to be a thing of the past, but I am bringing it back BABY.

Last year I started Sukari’s Saturday Night Suppers and have continued each month since. The planner in me, came out like the Incredible Hulk. I started with a theme, a menu and a budget. I sent PAPER invitations and made “takeaways” (little treats) for my guests, from scratch. There is nothing better than waking up the day after a great party and enjoying a little homemade treat with your coffee or tea, while reliving the experience.

“An Italian Feast” was the theme of one of the most memorable dinner parties I have ever hosted. I invited my parents, my Brother and the love of his life and one of my best friends. I don’t know when I have ever been so nervous! I was cooking for my Brother, the Chef. Even though he is my little (yeah I said it) Brother, his opinions mean a great deal to me and I always want to make him proud to call me his big sister. SO, with my schedule in hand I made the main course and prepped everything the night before (I wanted the Braised Pork to sit overnight to develop a ton of flavor). My thought was that if I did this, I would have some time the next day to sit enjoy a glass of wine before my guests arrived. I was the Cook, the Waiter and the Sommelier and I was having a fantastic time!!! When the moment of truth arrived and I served my Brother the second course, I thought I was going to burst. I had to know what he thought. I was watching him like a hawk, LOL. He looked at me after taking a bite or two (it seemed like 40 bites) and he gave me his nod and smile of approval. My heart melted. I had mad my Brother proud and it meant the world to me. As I washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen (this is what I chose to do, LOL, my guests continually offered to stay and help, but I am a little particular and I wanted to spend as much time as I could with them, without worrying about cleaning) I thought: “this is something that I really enjoy doing”. By the end of the night I was pooped, but full of joy! And the leftovers…..amazing!

After many dinner parties, I thought, Self…..it’s time to step up my cooking game. Now, I’m a recipe home cook, unlike my brother who can make a 3 course meal with 4 ingredients and no recipe. I love cookbooks, food blogs, food and wine magazines and Cooks Illustrated (this is a great resource if you are looking for an equipment review and/or tried and true recipes). I like to get recipes down pat and then add my own touch. I am learning how to develop flavors and layer them so each bite brings you a little closer to euphoria. I am a little obsessed with France right now, so I am practicing with sauces, which have always stumped me. I am taking chances, I am learning and stepping a little further outside of my comfort zone. This is my theme for the month of August. Take a chance, you just might like it.

Whether you become the Martha Stewart of your family, block or hood or are the host/hostess that orders the amazing takeout and serves it on china, spending time with the people you love is what is important. You don’t need all of the fancy stuff (I do love the fancy stuff though, LOL) to host your loved ones, all you need is LOVE.



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