So do you remember how it felt when you were assigned a paper to write and you waited until the last minute to write it?? It wasn’t that you didn’t try (no judgment here) it was just that the inspiration had not hit you, until it HAD to hit you. Well that is how I have felt about wine over the past week. Nothing has really hit me. It happens, but not usually. I went to one of my go to wine stores all gung ho on trying something new but was not wowed by what I tasted. My taste buds did not do the hustle or the bump they just laid there like they had the “itis”. I tried different pairings and tried to cocktail it, but I got nothin! I felt like Samantha on Sex in the City, when she lost her “O”. This was serious.

Two days later, I had an ah-ha moment. I woke up feeling like crap.   That was it!! Between the scratch in my throat, the runny nose and sneezing, I remembered that whenever I am not feeling well, my taste buds are completely off. I had not lost them they were just a little under the weather. Phew!!!! I can call off the search party. As crazy as it sounds all I wanted was hot tea, not just plain hot tea though J. I seem to recall, something called a Hot Toddy! That’s right, it was 95 degrees outside and all I wanted was hot water, lemon, honey and brandy. Now, a prepared Girl like me always has some Brandy or better yet, some single malt Scotch on hand. So there was no running to the store, knocking on a neighbors door (I swear that only happens on TV) or calling that person who you know will do it, but you don’t want to pay the price (you know you have one of those!). There was only pulling it out of the bar cabinet and turning on the tea kettle.

So while I am sorry there is no wine review this week, I am all too happy to break out the Brandy and get deep, deep under the covers.

Cheers (cough!)

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