In this tenth episode of our fourth season we had the pleasure of speaking with Jason Candelario of! In our conversation we talked about:

  • Growing up in Napa Valley
  • Learning from Dad
  • Working in the Vineyard
  • Being a “Wine Guru”
  • So much more!

Jason’s Bio

I was born and raised in Napa, California, a child of immigrant parents, who were brought to the US as teenagers. My Father, Fernando, started in the wine industry in his early 20’s at Robert Mondavi and my Mother, Margarita, worked as house maid at Medwood in St. Helena. All of my relatives work in the wine industry from working in the vineyard to bottling the finished product. I started working in the wine industry at age 15 working along-side my dad at T-Vine and worked harvest at Trinchero while studying at Napa Valley College. While attending Napa Valley College, I was student in the wine/viticulture program. I started at in 2013 and worked my way up from customer service to wine guru (wine education and product quality control).  At I work with winemakers on brand management and quality control as well as product information. I am also a part of my dad’s brand, Voces, and I work closely with him on tasks ranging from wine making to branding and packing.

The Last Five Sips:

  1. If money were no object, what bottle of wine would you splurge on? Any Bottle! Cash-In!
  2. Who would you love to share a bottle with, living or deceased? Vicente Fernandez
  3. What are some of the things you do or read to keep up to speed on what is happening in the wine industry? Talk to the Vineyard and Field workers at the surrounding wineries and vineyards.
  4. What advice would you give you your 22 year old self? Nothing, Leave it as it is. Life Happens.
  5. When you finish your day and sit down with your favorite glass of wine, what is on your music playlist? One glass of wine and a few beers! Vicente Fernandez

How you can connect with Jason on Social Media:


Facebook: and vocescellars and jasoncandelario

Instagram: @candelario_jason and @nakedwinesdotcom and @vocescellars

Resource Links:

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