Marcia Jones is Urban Connoisseurs. Marcia has over thirty years as an accomplished professional who developed excellent relationships with major clients in the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors. During those years she successfully negotiated mutually beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders.

In 2011 she became a Social Winepreneur and created Urban Connoisseurs. She integrated her wealth of talent with her passion for wine. Urban Connoisseurs is an added value of sales and marketing for Black owned wineries, winemakers, and/or vintners seeking for further expand their products to the connoisseurs.

Initially, Urban Connoisseurs focused on Direct to Consumer sales and marketing through the Urban Connoisseurs Quarterly Wine Club. In the latter half of 2016 Urban Connoisseurs shifted directions and began to market some of her clients’ products to retail.

As a wine consultant, Urban Connoisseurs orchestrates the purchase between the vintner and distributor and/or owner. She also helps vintners determine the best strategy to market with brand. Urban Connoisseurs also promotes these vintners through tasting events and tourism.

Marcia is working on her first book about the history and present day African Americans in the wine industry. She is also developing a fund to provide scholarships to African American students who want to begin a career in the wine industry.

Additionally, beginning fall 2017 Urban Connoisseurs will begin filming the first ever documentary highlighting the lives of six Black Winemakers.

Marcia is currently bi-coastal. She shares her time between the east and west coast, spending much of her time with winemakers to better understand their wines and their visions.


For more information:

Social Media

Instagram – @wine_talk_marcia

Facebook – @urbanconnoisseurs

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