In this episode we talk to Gwen Hurt, the Founder and CEO of Shoe Crazy Wine and her business partner Brittny Hurt.

Shoe Crazy is a wine company based in Chesterfield, launched in December of 2013 as an online direct to consumer business. We offer 6 delectable varietals

[Sweet Harmony, Sauvignon Blanc, Ménage A Red, Chardonnay, Rose and Cabernet Sauvignon]. The wines are available in Costco, Kroger and several restaurants in the VA, NC, DC & MD markets.

I didn’t grow up under the easiest of circumstances. I was raised by a single mother and as the oldest girl was responsible for helping to raise my siblings. My mother was mostly illiterate, but she found the strength to leave a physically abusive husband. She took us 4 kids, a few dollars and a can of pork and beans and headed north! My mother’s example and courage helped shaped the person I am today! Her journey taught me to keep faith and never give up. Sometimes, we had very little to eat and only 1 pair of shoes to wear for the whole year! Card board was our friend. It repaired many a worn out shoe sole. As a kid, I always said to myself, “one day I am going to have enough money to eat until my stomach is full and I am going to buy as many shoes as I want”! Thus, the shoe has always been very symbolic in my life. To me it is the base that supports us on our journeys! Eventually my mom learned to read and write and ultimately earned her Master’s Degree!

Prior to launching Shoe Crazy Wine, I worked for a Fortune 300 Tech Company. I built a Global Process and Controls organization. I led a high performance, cross cultural team located in multiple geographic locations (The Americas, Asia, Western and Eastern Europe). During my travels I learned to appreciate a smooth glass of wine. I became enamored of the intricacies of wine. My new passion!

In 2013 hardship struck. I was downsized by the company in which I had spent 15 plus years and two days later was in a car accident that would take me and my daughter nearly a year to recover from. During my physical therapy and rehabilitation, I made the decision to “NOT” succumb to depression. I told my daughter Brittny that we were going into the wine business. She asked, how many drugs had the emergency room Dr. given me? I chuckled and responded “not enough to stay in this bed and do nothing about my situation.” We both said, “If those Housewives of whatever city could start a wine business, then so could we.” My daughter Brittny is the one that suggested that I name my company something that I love. I love Shoes and Wine. Hence the name Shoe Crazy Wine. Brittny has been with me throughout this journey. We have had ups and downs and personal challenges but through it all, we have had our heart and soul on growing this company into a national brand.

The life of an entrepreneur can indeed be very hard and crazy at times. However, perseverance, tenacity, faith and family are paramount. I firmly believe in these core values. I want to share my story and my wines. After all a lot of successful business have been founded due to life’s challenges and hardships and have been discussed over a glass of wine.

For more information:


Facebook: @shoecrazywine

Instagram: @shoecrazywine



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