My name is Sukari Bowman and I am addicted to Cookbooks!  I need to be in a support group!  I get so excited when I hear about or see a new cookbook on the shelves.  There is something about the glossy pages and all of the instructions,  oooooweeeeee, I love them.  I now realize that I have started my own collection.  I LOVE making new dishes and facing my fear of using new techniques (new gadgets usually comes with that, Bonus!!!).  Since we have started this blog, we have been thinking of ways to share what goes on in our lives and in our kitchens.  Since I am a self certified recipe girl, I thought a monthly cookbook review, with recipe trials would be great to share.  So here goes!  For the month of November, we will review Simply Nigella.  I absolutely love Nigella Lawson.  There is something so calming about watching her on television.  She is straight to the point and watching her cook is actually very sensual, it makes you want to cook for those you love.  We will try out four recipes from the cookbook and will snap pictures of the process and video the final product and taste test.

Let’s Cook!!!!

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