Show Notes

In this episode we had the pleasure of speaking with April Richmond of Sip and Swirl Events.  In this episode we speak to April about:

  • The Non-Traditional route of her Sommelier Journey
  • How being a Flight Attendant helped her with the Service part of the Sommelier Exam
  • What is the Glamp-Out?
  • The Soul of the City Wine Festival in Oakland

April’s Bio

Long Beach, California native, April Richmond, is the Sommelier behind San Francisco Bay Area based,  Sip & Swirl Events, and creator of some the hottest urban wine events in the country.

Prior to joining the wine industry, April cut her teeth in the event planning world as one of the Event Planners for Stanford University where she was responsible for managing everything from weddings and press conferences to Passover dinners and staff meetings.

Combining her love for wine and event planning, April founded Sip & Swirl Events in 2011 with a goal of bringing together Black winemakers and wine lover’s through hosting unique events in unexpected venues. Since then, the company has created a number of signature events including the Soul Of The City Wine Festival, Cupcakes & Corks, The Mystery Wine Tour, and the Wine Country Glamp-Out. The company also offers Sommelier and wine services to a host of private and high-profile corporate clients including Facebook and Ikea USA.

The Last Five Sips:

  1. If money were no object, what bottle of wine would you splurge on and why? A $30,000 bottle of wine from a Grocery Store in Paris
  2. Who would you love to share a bottle with, living or deceased? Oprah
  3. What are some of the things you do or read to keep up to speed on what is happening in the wine industry? Taste, Taste, Taste and Wine Industry Insight (Lewis Perdue)
  4. What advice would you give you your 22 year old self? Keep Flying and Don’t Settle for the Boy! Start your wine journey now!
  5. When you finish your day and sit down with your favorite glass of wine, what is on your music playlist? Marcus Johnson, Marcus Anderson, Terrance Blanchard

For more information:

The Soul of the City Wine Festival:

Social Media:

Instagram and Facebook: @sipandswirlevents

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