Janeen was born in New York and raised in Atlanta, GA.  After high school, she attended Georgia State University with the idea of going into Marketing but hated math and science. Janeen graduated with a Public Relations degree and minored in Music Management. She got into wine on accident but with a purpose.
Throughout her college career, Janeen was a server and bartender and found her love for wine while working at a wine restaurant in Atlanta. She realized that she had to learn about wine very quickly, especially to make more money on the floor. Janeen’s curiosity turned into a passion and she received her certification as a Sommelier from the Court of Master Sommeliers in April 2015. Currently she is the Sommelier for Barcelona Wine Bar in Inman Park, but spends most of her days at Barcelona VinoTeca, the first retail wine store for the company. Janeen is also studying for the Advanced Sommelier certification, which requires a wider spectrum of wine knowledge that includes world history, geography, and blind tasting wine. She loves high acid, low alcohol wines that can be enjoyed with or without food.
For more information, follow Janeen at:

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