My Mom likes Phoebe Snow so when we were in Blue Ridge, GA and she saw the album for $2, we bought it. I know the song that everyone else knows “Poetry Man” but other than that I am not very familiar with Phoebe. When I returned home and played “Second Childhood”, it was a horrible copy, scratches for days and a little warping. I was able to pick up a clean version of the album at FantasyLand Records in Atlanta. I had no idea what to expect from this album and to be honest did not have high hopes, since the song I know is not on it.

On a warm (almost zero humidity, WTF!) sunny, Sunday afternoon in Atlanta, I opened a bottle of Robert Mondavi Private Selection, Sauvignon Blanc and thought what album do I have that would pair with this wine? As I was flipping through my record crate, I saw Phoebe and it was like a little butterfly flapped its wings hard enough or me to hear a soft, “yes”. This Sauvignon Blanc is produced in a warm climate in northern California. I thought this was going to be a typical Sauvignon Blanc, in that is has citrus notes on the nose and herbal and lemon notes on the palate. When I put the album on something happened. I closed my eyes and listened to “All Over” and the wine blossomed. It released its tight citrus notes and melon spread over my palate like jam on a warm piece of toast. As Phoebe wished that “it would never be over” the wine lingered on and on.

There is so much soul in Phoebe’s voice. On the track “Cash In” You think she is taking you down one path and then she gets the raspy, deep from the belly sound in her voice that makes you yell “Ooowwww, Sing the Damn Thing Phoebe”! This wine has the same effect, as I drank my second glass, it hit its stride and gave me something a little bit different, a little deeper, a little less sharp and a little more balanced. It opened up like the smile on my face from listening to Phoebe. So, if you have one of those rare summer days where all of the weather variables align to produce something spectacular, go outside, sit on your patio, stoop, driveway, sidewalk or roof, open a bottle of California Sauvignon Blanc (I do recommend Robert Mondavi’s Private Selection Sauvignon Blanc, purchased at Publix on sale for $7.69), put on Phoebe Snow, close your eyes, sway and let your smile rival the brightness of the sun.


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