Have you ever been so mad and frustrated that you could just spit???? Well, suffice it to say, I have been. The question becomes what do you when that happens?? Some folks go for a run (silly kids!), talk to a friend, meditate, pray or just stew. I happen to be that girl that pours a glass in order to calm down and then I take step number 2, 3 and 4. So, what in the world do I pour? It just so happens, that I was in this predicament this week and asked myself this very question; Rosé or Single Malt Scotch. Hmmmmm!!! Well, Rosé is one of my favorite wines to drink and Single Malt Scotch is one of my favorite spirits. Being the “always prepared” girl that I am, I had a bottle of one and a glass of the other available to help me answer this very question.

My thoughts were as follows:

Rosé – Delicate, light body, dry with a nice berry finish, easy going and I tend to smile a lot when I drink it. It truly takes me there

Scotch – Heavy, slightly complex, vanilla, chocolate, warms my soul, great for contemplation, as you drink it slowly

I decided to take a taste of both and let my gut decide.

The Rosé is from Provence (the New York of regions where this wine is produced), so I was expecting the light, mineral and berry flavors. This wine surprised me a little bit as it has a little more body to it and was sweeter at the end. What I was expecting was root beer and what I got was sassafras tea (takes me all the way back to Jackson, Mississippi in the summer).

The scotch is an 18 year old single malt from Scotland. There really isn’t much to say about it besides, it is 18 YEAR OLD SCOTCH FOR GOODNESS SAKE!! It is BEYOND!! The chocolate, caramel and slight peat (Peat is a mossy accumulation of compressed decaying plant material (Don’t let that gross you out!) that is used to malt the barley, used in making Scotch, the more peat used, the smokier the Scotch will be) flavor. I just can’t put it into words. All I needed was a Monte Cristo cigar and I would be in heaven!

Although both selections were great, my gut was telling me, this was a Scotch type of situation. I gave the Rosé 3.95 sugar smacks and the Scotch 753 sugar smacks, on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best. Then; I dropped the mike.





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